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Forever and Always, the inside scoop from Ben Arden on the new rom com

“I wanted to create verisimilitude within the movie and represent true love and what it means to love […] there aren't enough movies that represent this realistic form of love"
says Arden as he tells us how he felt exploring his character in the new rom com "Forever and Always"

Arden was perfectly casted for this role, a character who truly shows what it means to trust and love, avoiding the "rose tinted" idealised view of love; representing one of the most realistic versions of love in the media.


 Arden states:
"not just me, but our whole team agreed and persisted that the best way to emphasise this idea of love is through honesty; showing not just the best, 'honeymoon phase' parts of love, but also showing the pains experienced in love."

despite his rightful credit to his team, Arden undoubtfully played a huge role in expressing this through his involvement of the multitude of perspectives and emotions in this movie.

"this is most definitely a must see, you will be crying from sadness and joy at this healthy presentation of love for friends, family and partners. It is truly a work of art"

previous interviews


Burden's directorial debut


Chloe Potts on the Dos and Don'ts of screenwriting

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For the full analysis visit our YouTube @TheExclusive

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